
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The cancer's gone, so what's next.  What do I do now?   I know I do not have to make a "bucket list" so I think I'll concentrate on my "to do" list.  I have put off some really important things since the C-crap entered my life.  So here goes:  Clean the garage, do all the gardening I have put off (now that the rain has stopped), start a real fitness program (I have said this for five years),  return to the Y tai chi, keep writing this blog (I will find things to say), stop spending so much time in front of the computer, make a will, learn to play the ukulele (well, maybe), learn how to use my cell phone and figure out all the frustrating intricacies of facebook.  I guess I am returning to the real world.  During the cancer treatments I often had strange feelings of isolation and that I was watching my life as a spectator and really not participating. I felt that I was in some kind of drifting shell looking out a window fully cognizant of what was going on (even when driving) but somehow detached from everything.   Now I am re-attaching and not living in the shell anymore. It’s great to be back!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bill-
What a special treat to read your fabulous news while sitting by Lake Louise in Canada - if you haven't been here, you really should add it to your list right ahead of cleaning ou the garage! So very, very happy for you.
Trish D.

Bob Raser said...

Its great to have you "back". A few years ago I remembered our mother saying I should "take time to smell the roses" once and a while. So I planted the brightest, smelliest, red rose bush at the front gate. I have to pass it to get in and out. And when it's in bloom I stop and breath it in every day. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

It was great to read the excellent news in your recent postings, Bill!
Hope you won't forget to include in your to-do list: "practice for petanque tournament".

Rob PZ

Louise Malone said...

Hi Bill,
So glad that Tai Chi is on your "to do" list. We all look forward to seeing you and have saved your spot! If you'd like some Tai Chi rehab, let me know and I'll come over to your house and nag you there! You can run but you cannot hide!