Whatever happened to honesty? A majority of the public believes politicians
lie. What is most disconcerting is that
the public accepts the lying and, in fact, endorses it. A recent poll showed that people don't care
if their favorite candidate lies in pursuit of getting elected (regardless of
party). Basically politicians know that
people really do not want to hear the truth.
They want to be told what they want to hear. (How do you think talk radio hosts build up
such a following?) It stands the reason then, that the more politicians lie,
feeding their target electorate what it wants to hear, the better the chance of
getting elected. Conversely, you must
accuse your opponent of lying even if he isn't on the premise that if the
opponent lies it's bad but if you do, it's not. Or you can do a Harry Reid and
pull an "is it or isn't it a lie" type lie. RNC Chairman Rence Priebus called Reid a
"dirty liar" for unsubstantiated charges that Romney has not paid
taxes for ten years, but as long as Reid's accusation remains unrefuted nobody
knows if Reid is lying or not. It's kind of a "gotcha" lie. Telling
lies is not illegal otherwise most of our politicians would be in jail. If a
politician is caught in a whopper he or she just has staff insist it was taken
out of context or misinterpreted. One of
my all-time favorites is when Senator John Kyl (R-AZ) said 90 percent of what
Planned Parenthood did involved abortion.
When this lie was challenged his staff said "it was not intended to
be a factual statement." Politicians
spout off about our wonderful, noble “American values," and our wholesome
“family values." Evidently telling
the truth is no longer one of them.
Sideblog: It's
"thoughts and prayers" time again.
A guy walks into a Sikh Church in Wisconsin kills six people and wounds
three and our politicians, from presidential candidates on down, ring their
hands, shake their heads sadly and declare what a tragedy this is for all
America and how the victims have our "thoughts and prayers." NRA six
more points, American People zero. NRA
wins again.
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