
Friday, August 17, 2012

Often politics becomes a game of semantics.  Republicans hate the term "voucher."  When they were big on school vouchers one of their consultants suggested calling them "opportunity scholarships."  Now that the Ryan care plan proposes vouchers to pay for health insurance premiums, the Republicans want to call them "premium support."  A voucher by any other name would stink as bad.  We can probably now call this Romneyryancare ("Romryancare" for short)  since Mitt has declared his health care ideas are "virtually identical" to Ryan’s.   Of course Romney's current health care thinking bears no resemblance to the health care program he installed in Massachusetts, but never mind.  One of the more inane aspects of Romryncare is the contention that it will foster competition among insurance companies and that will bring down premium costs.  Fat chance.  For those of you who have not figured this out, Romryancare is a huge giveaway to the insurance industry.  When a senior gives the voucher to the insurance company, it gets the money right now from the government.  Since is it highly likely the voucher will not cover the full insurance cost, the senior pays the difference out of pocket.  More money for the insurance companies.  Of course, the insurance companies will try to pay as little as they can to health care providers (to boost profits) so the result will be more expense to seniors, more money for insurance companies and less health care coverage.  For examples of what you will get under Romryancare check out John Blumenthal's blog.  His example for what you will get for diarrhea:  A cork.

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