
Monday, August 13, 2012

Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader pulled off a political master stroke and everybody is screaming bloody murder.  Time Magazine this week called Reid's accusation that Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years "reckless" and it "recalled Joe McCarthy and the birthers."  Well, Michelle Bachmann declared, without substantiation, that Muslims have infiltrated the highest levels of our government. That really smacks of McCarthyism to me. Donald Trump and his merry morons insisted for over a year that Obama didn't have a U.S. birth certificate.  Big Mitt, the man himself growled, "It's time for Harry to put up or shut up."  Now here's where Harry's ploy is so brilliant.  It is a beautiful Catch 22.  It does not matter who told what to Harry Reid. Even if Reid "puts up" and reveals his source it does not change the charge that Romney did not pay taxes for ten years. It would not make the accusation go away.  So the onus is on Romney to "come clean." The only way to prove Harry Reid is lying is for Romney to tell the truth and produce his tax returns.  Your move, Mitt.

Sideblog:  President Obama released 11 years of his tax returns and Joe Biden released 14.  If you would like to see them go to and click on Presidential Tax Returns in the menu at left.  Mitt Romney released two years, 2010 and 2011.  They are also on that site.  In 2011, Romney had total income of $20,908,000 about half of which was in capital gains and none was from wages and salaries.  And Mitt is trying to tell us he can relate to the middle class?  Yeah, right.

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