
Sunday, August 12, 2012

What a lousy week.  The Olympics are over which now leaves a void in my life since I’ll have to wait four years to see synchronized swimming again. But what really wrecked my week was Mitt Romney’s pre-empting me by naming Paul Ryan as his running mate so I had to take him off my short list.  Ever since I announced my candidacy for President three days ago, I have been thinking about who I could name as a running mate.  I need somebody who thinks exactly the opposite from me so I can cover the entire political spectrum from the wild-ass, screaming right-wing-dingbat Tea Partyists to the weeping, nanny-state, teeth-gnashing, left-wing, tree-hugging liberals.  Just about everything Ryan proposes I don’t agree with so we would have been a perfect match.  And we’re both white which definitely is a plus if you want to go after the Republican racist element.  Marco Rubio is now available but it would look like I am pandering for the Hispanic vote. I did buy a Spanish phrase book, however.  Maybe I could get Rick Perry to come out of obscurity to run with me.  Remember him?  He would like to see more religion in government which the Republican Religious Right goes nuts over.  He said he wants government to stay out of the church’s business and I want churches to stay out of the government’s business so between us we nail both sides of that issue. Come to think of it, me, Perry and God might be a strong ticket. But then Perry asked Texans to pray three days for rain and nothing happened so maybe he doesn’t have that much pull with God after all.  I wonder if Sarah Palin is still available. 

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