
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Well, the Mittster is having a bad week.  The Mother Jones videos that came out Monday showed just how much disdain he has for nearly half the American public.  He spouted the straight rich-guy party line (he was actually addressing rich guys) about those no-good, lazy, free-loading, give-me-a-government-handout misfits who just won’t work hard like good Republicans do to earn their millions of dollars. He seemed to be totally astonished that any American citizen in need should have the temerity to expect any help from the government. Now if the videos weren't bad enough, the staunch conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks commented in his column today on the videos by stating: "he really doesn't know much about the country he inhabits,"  "Romney doesn't know much about the culture of America," he "doesn't know much about the political culture," and "he has lost any sense of the social compact."  That's just a sampling.  If you want more reasons why Romney should not be President of the United States read the whole column.  It's all over the internet. What it boils down to is one of the slogans the Democrats chanted at their convention: “Romney just doesn't get it!” I can give you one more reason why Romney should not be elected:  He's a jerk.