
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Republicans can't come right out and say they hate Barack Obama because he's black, so they have to invent reasons to hate him.  Donald Trump's favorite reason is because he's not a natural-born American. Hawaii is in the U.S. Donald. Then we have those who hate him because he's a Muslim.  Of course he's not, but you will never convince them since it justifies their hatred.   How about the Tea Partisti who have called him both a "socialist" and a "fascist" which shows how dumb they are since you can't be both simultaneously.  OMG!  Not only does he want to turn America into Europe, he is "anti-capitalism."  Never mind he saved the auto industry, corporate profits are up and the Dow is up over 4,000 points since he became president.  Then there's the he's-not-really-an- America contingent led by the Republican Imbecile in Chief, Rush Limbaugh who said "this president hates America" and John Sununu who maintains that Obama "should learn how to be an American."  To make matters worse, the Republicans insist he is not patriotic!  Remember the flap over his not wearing the flag lapel pin.  Wow, proof positive he's not patriotic.  And then, according to Mike Huckabee, Obama denied American "exceptionalism." If you needed a reason to despise Obama there you go!  And do you remember Sarah Palin declaring "he was palling around with terrorists"?  So according to the Republicans, Obama is an alien, Muslim, socialist/fascist, anti-capitalism, not really an American who hates America, unpatriotic, denier of American exceptionalism, and pal of terrorists.  Oh, did I mention he is black?

Sideblog:  This is circulating on facebook and the internet, a bumper sticker which reads "Don't Re-Nig in 2012."  Need I say more about Republican bigotry?

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