
Thursday, September 13, 2012

The prospect of Mitt Romney becoming President of the United States is truly frightening.  That's all America needs, another shoot-from-the-hip, tough guy, swaggering Republican to get us into yet another war.   Radical Islamists stormed the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, the Ambassador and three of his staff were murdered, all kinds of shit is hitting the fan in the Middle East and Mitt delivers a flagrant, political cheap-shot, accusing Obama of "apologizing" to our enemies.  Obama did not apologize. What he did was reaffirm a core principle of American character, respect for all religions then added, that does not justify this senseless violence and he vowed to bring the killers to justice.  I suppose Mitt would have called them a bunch of Muslim religious thugs and pissed off the Middle Easterners even more.  Remember Mitt stated he would not mind if Israel attacked Iran without telling him?  Obama has had the balls to tell Netanyahu he won't buy the red line in the sand crap.   Mitt may be really good at making money by dumping failing companies but he has a lot to learn about foreign policy and diplomacy.  He tells us how good he was as a businessman.  He should go back to being one.  Then he can make a lot more money but at least he won't get us into another war.

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