
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Oh for shame, for shame!  Can you imagine? the Democrats did not mention God in their platform! And Paul Ryan, Republican VP nominee and his party's Alter Boy in Chief is demanding an explanation.  He told Fox News "I think it’s rather peculiar. It’s not in keeping with our founding documents, our founding vision. I’d guess you’d have to ask the Obama administration why they purged all this language from their platform. There sure is a lot of mention of government. I guess I would just put the onus and the burden on them to explain why they did all this, these purges of God." Have you ever heard such ludicrous bullshit?  Ryan laments there was "a lot of mention of government."  What did you expect, Paul, the Rosary and a couple Hail Marys?  Party platforms are about government not theology and erroneous references to "founding documents" and "founding vision."  To my knowledge in the entire history of the United States there has never been any moral or judicial requirement to mention God in a party platform much less a requirement to explain "these purges of God" if you don't mention him. I suppose Ryan's "onus and burden" to explain adds to Republican self-righteousness because they mention God ten times in their platform.  Why is it the Republicans consider God their exclusive property?  I can imagine God watching this sanctimonious absurdity and laughing his ass off.

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