
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Here’s one for all you gay-bashing bigots out there.  It is a facebook post written by a 15-year old girl.  Some students at her high school formed a club called “Alliance for Equality.”  It generated a lot of hateful, vicious facebook posts among the students.  This young lady decided enough was enough and struck back at the school’s bigots and bullies.  Here’s what she wrote:

 People are missing the point of the Alliance for Equality. Everyone is focusing on the "gay" thing, they are not focusing on the big picture. It's made for equality for EVERYBODY. For the people who are considered a minority in our school simply because they're not "popular" because they choose to be themselves and they don’t focus on the name brands they're wearing, or how much skin they're showing, or how many people they're dating. The club was made for more than just "gays." There are plenty of straight people who are in the club, including myself, who support this. The club is pretty much against bullying. To stop the stupid judgments made simply because you're different or yourself. The club is made for the people who are sick of being called names or seeing others being judged because they don't want to be in the "in" crowd. Who gives you the right to judge anyone because you don't like what they do? So stop with the annoying fighting and name calling when you're only focusing on one part when the big picture of equality for everybody is being overlooked.

The young lady is my grand daughter and I am very proud of her.  She wants to be a journalist and I know she will be a very good one. 

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