
Sunday, September 23, 2012

The hunt for the real Mitt Romney has been going on since he started his run for the presidency six years ago.  How many articles, books or TV commentators have you seen speculating on who is the "real" Mitt Romney?  Now I can reveal the answer:  there is no real Mitt Romney. His brain has been taken over by extra-terrestrial aliens.  He is now an avatar under interplanetary control known as the Mitt-bot or M2R2.  No rational human being running for president would ever say half of the American people are a bunch of deadbeats and he’s not going to bother with them.  And can you imagine a real person believing "I can change Washington, I will change Washington, we'll get the job done from the inside. Republicans and Democrats will come together!” as M2R2 yelled at a crowd in Sarasota? Any human presidential candidate would have seen what a partisan mess the “uniter” George W. Bush created and that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, upon Obama’s inauguration, declared that the Republicans’ goal was to make Obama a “one term president?  Has his memory erased the three years the Republicans have refused to cooperate or compromise on anything the Obama Administration has proposed?  Now my theory could be wrong and the Mittster is just suffering from attention deficit disorder or merely hallucinating.  It’s just more comforting to believe his brain is now controlled by aliens and there is no real Mitt Romney so we don't have to try to find him anymore.

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