
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why are politicians so frightened of and intimidated by the National Rifle Association?  After the calamity in Aurora, Colorado, not the President nor the Republican Presidential Candidate have had the guts to stand up and say we need to do something about gun control in this country.  Please note, this is New York Mayor Bloomberg's opinion.  It also happens to be mine.  Oh sure, Obama and Romney condemned the atrocity and offered their "thoughts and prayers" for the victims and their families and you know what?  That's a bunch of crap. When you are dead, especially at the hands of an insane person with an assault rifle, "thoughts and prayers" aren't worth a Goddamn thing.  Are the politicians going to reinstate the ban on assault weapons?  Please don't tell me anyone in America "needs" an assault weapon.  A 1999 Fortune Magazine survey found our esteemed lawmakers considered the NRA the most influential lobbying group.  By now they must have competition from bankers and oil and drug companies but the NRA still calls a lot of shots. (Excuse the pun.)  Several Democrats have sided with Republicans recently because those Dems are up for re-election and they feel they can't get elected without NRA support.  When the hell are politicians going to begin thinking about what's right for our country and not what's going to get them re-elected.  Obviously, the standard political response to a nutcase dressed like Rambo and armed to the teeth who kills a lot of people is to offer "thoughts and prayers" for the victims and their families.  Great.  The next thing you know they will suggest building a memorial.

Sideblog:   Now before the right-wing-nuts start accusing me of being one of "them lefty Democrat fascist, socialist, communist, anti-American, un-Patriotic dopes that want to take away my God-given 2nd Amendment rights" please note: I own two hand guns and I am very good at using them.  If our laws required me to have a license to own them I would be the first one to apply. 

1 comment:

BKB said...

Your thoughts, M. Bloomberg"s and many others need to send the message to the NRA--that we will not be intimidated. There is room for reason, as you stated.