
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Presidential campaign will be like watching a NASCAR race.  A NASCAR race is pretty repetitious with the cars going round the track over and over again until someone crosses the finish line first. Our Presidential race is like that.  The candidates, like the cars going round and round, will say the same things over and over and over again.  Romney will tell you he has a plan.  That plan consists in cutting taxes for the rich, repealing Obama care, creating jobs and getting America moving again.  Obama will tell you he has a plan that will raise taxes on the rich, cut taxes for the middle class and small business, keep the Affordable Care Act, create jobs and get American moving ahead. Each one will keep telling you what an incompetent moron the other one is.  Okay, there may be a couple other things but you get the point. Everything the candidates are going to say you have already heard a hundred times (and will keep hearing).  Don’t expect anything new and profound. So here is how the campaign is like a NASCAR race.  Everyone is waiting for and hoping to see one of them go out of control and slam into a flaming, spinning crash against the wall.  We are all waiting for the big kaboom, when one of them makes a huge mistake that brings the electorate screaming to its feet.  Now that’s the kind of stuff our politics is made of.  Just keep repeating the same slogans and platitudes your supporters want to hear over and over and hope your tires don’t blow out.

Sideblog:  If non-citizens are prohibited from voting why aren't they prohibited from donating to the Presidential campaign?  Think about it.  Money, unfortunately, has more to do with who gets elected than votes.  (See post dated July 8, 2012)

1 comment:

BKB said...

Keep the good thoughts coming; for we are so 'lucky' to live in a swing state that we all those 'insightful' sound bites which are full of sound and fury signifying next to nothing.