
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Some of us have a really hard time relating to the big Chick-fil-A controversy.  The economy is sagging, the Syrians keep killing each other, Mitt Romney is trying to appear presidential in the Middle East, Obama is doing something somewhere, and the Olympics are going on in London.  Then Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy declares gay marriage violates God's plan.  On the radio he said: "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage."  This suddenly became more controversial than health care. The anti-gays rallied around Cathy (including Sarah Palin) posting their pictures on Facebook smiling with Chick-fil-A bags in their hands and pro-gays posted pictures on Facebook of boycotts in front of Chck-fil-A stores.  What does this all mean?  Is it that Dan Cathy has become the sole interpreter of God's will on earth?  Are gays now forbidden to eat chicken?  Or should the religious right, including Mr. Cathy, just confine their opinions to their churches on Sunday and spare the rest of us their blatant bigotry.  This is not about freedom of speech, by the way.  The First Amendment guarantees Mr Cathy the right to say anything he wants without government suppression.  It does not guarantee that people will not disagree with him nor does it protect him from being criticized for what he says.

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