
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Much to the chagrin of my Republican friends (or perhaps I should say “former” friends since the more right wing among them consider disagreeing with their views renders you no longer worthy of friendship) I have decided to get back into blogging.  Rather than dwell only on politics, I have decided to comment on the enormous stupidity going on in this meaningless world of ours.  I was going to resume with some uncomplimentary comments on the Republican Party but I don’t have to since the party is doing a good job of bad-mouthing itself. I could not agree more with Bobby Jindal that the Republicans are a “stupid” party or that Rand Paul is right by stating The Republican Party has grown "stale and moss-covered" and needs a fresh direction (good luck on that with the Teapartistas). Have you noticed how Republican pundits are flagellating themselves and the party for not “reaching out” to the minorities they have shit on for decades? Never mind Republican Senator Rob Portman’s new found support for gay marriage after his son came out.  So combine this with what’s going on in the Catholic Church and I doubt if I will ever run out of absurdities to comment on.  Stay tuned.

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