This week marks the day in American history that will live
in ignominy. March 19, 2003, is the day
George W. Bush, goaded by his neocon puppeteers Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz,
invaded Iraq
without provocation. It was the most stupid episode ever in American foreign
The entire world knows that the Bush Republican Administration lied about the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction just to satisfy its war mongering factions. The latest figures I have found report 4,488 American killed, over 32,000 wounded, 320,000 suffering brain injuries and one estimate that total death military and civilian are nearly 1.5 million. It has cost us about $1.7 trillion and the residual effect of what it could cost over the next 40 years is $6 trillion. That is enough to cover Medicare, Medicaid and Education for the next two decades. All that American blood and money spent for nothing in return. Let’s remember and honor all the wonderful young Americans who did what their country asked of them. And let’s hold a moment of scorn for the rotten lying bastards who sent them there.
The entire world knows that the Bush Republican Administration lied about the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction just to satisfy its war mongering factions. The latest figures I have found report 4,488 American killed, over 32,000 wounded, 320,000 suffering brain injuries and one estimate that total death military and civilian are nearly 1.5 million. It has cost us about $1.7 trillion and the residual effect of what it could cost over the next 40 years is $6 trillion. That is enough to cover Medicare, Medicaid and Education for the next two decades. All that American blood and money spent for nothing in return. Let’s remember and honor all the wonderful young Americans who did what their country asked of them. And let’s hold a moment of scorn for the rotten lying bastards who sent them there.
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