
Monday, March 18, 2013

It should not be a big surprise to the world’s 1.3 billion Catholics that some of us do not really care who the Pope is, where he comes from, what he thinks or what color his shoes are.  What does matter to us is that old men in colorful, fancy lace dresses with bright red hats and capes, carrying on quaint, medieval traditions are pushing their theological beliefs on the United States government.  The Catholic Church’s position on gay marriage (really cute considering many priests are homosexuals and pedophiles), abortion and contraception should stay in the cathedral and not the Congress.  The Constitution does not guarantee Catholics anything more than the right to exercise their religion.  The same people who scream about government meddling in their lives seem to have no problem when that intervention becomes laws that conform to Catholic religious doctrine.  By forcing Catholic doctrine into our laws through certain politicians, our political system is essentially condoning moral judgment against some of our citizens.  I don’t think Jesus nor St. Francis would agree with that.

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