
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Raser’s Edge—Observation Deck: What’s in a syndrome?

Right wingers have often diagnosed me as having “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS) which is defined as “a mock mental disorder coined by supporters of Donald Trump to describe his critics as irrational and unhinged.”

Actually it was originally coined referring to establishment Republicans during the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary but now Trumpists just use if for people they hate.

On the principle that one dumb syndrome deserves another, I am coining “Trump Sycophant Syndrome (TSS).  (I was going to call it “Trump Stupidity Syndrome” but I was afraid that it would offend some Trumpists so much they would hit the delete key.)

TSS is defined as “a real mental disorder that muddles people’s minds so much they believe all his lies, bombast, bragging, and narcissism and share his hatred towards minorities, immigrants and Democrats.”

TSS is not just limited to those grinning white people who go crazy at his rallies and chant hate slogans on cue.  Prominent Republican politicians have also been seriously afflicted.  One of the most serious cases is Ted Cruz.  During the nomination campaign, Trump called him “Lyin’ Ted,” insulted his wife and implied his father had something to do with Kennedy’s assassination.  It is amazing what a reelection campaign and a long nose inserted into a specific orifice will do.  Trump has returned Cruz’s love by calling him “Beautiful Ted.”

I was also going to coin the term “TBSS” which would not have required any explanation.

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