
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Raser’s Edge:  The Observation Deck:  Socialist?  Nazi?  Fascist? Anyone?

One of the Trumpsts’s favorite ploys is to claim: “The Democrats want to turn American into Socialist Venezuela.”   Of course, that is not true, absurd and would never happen.  So, on the principle of matching stupidity with stupidity, how about this:  The Republicans want to turn America into Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.  Hey remember those pro-Trump neo-Nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us”?   Remember when those mob demonstrations took place, The Leader (Il Duce Americano) declared there were “good people on both sides”?  Oh.  Oh I forgot “mobs” for Republicans means women objecting to sexual assaults and nominating a judge who would take away the right to determine what to do with their own bodies.  Republicans like Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell  just want those nasty women “mobs” to shut up and go home and make dinner for their husbands. 

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