
Thursday, November 03, 2016


With just a few days left before the election, Alf and I are urging all 83 of our supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton.  But more than that, we are urging every American to vote for her and Democrats in ALL Senate, House and local elections.  The only way we will make America sane again is to get rid of Republicans.

The Republican Party has systematically been destroying our country ever since Ronald Regan declared, “Government is not the solution, it’s the problem.”  Republican policy for decades has been to demolish trust in our democratic traditions, laws, values and institutions which has led to today’s congressional dysfunction and the rise of the demagogue Donald Trump as the G.O.P. standard bearer.

When Regan turned the country against its government, he established the devious Republican strategy that if they could make Americans hate and distrust the government, then they, the Republicans, could wield absolute power and control everything in the country.   That has now culminated in hatred, division, xenophobia, bigotry and the rise of Donald Trump. 

You may recall, the Republicans declared the day after Obama’s inauguration they were determined to make him a one-term President, and they have done everything they could since then to obstruct anything he has proposed.  They flatly declared they would not participate in governing the country mainly to show their base they would not cooperate with a black President.  They succeeded.  They shut down the government, they voted to repeal Obamacare 60 times without ever proposing any constructive alternatives, they launched endless investigations and hearings on Hilary Clinton’s emails, wasting enormous amounts of time and money on what is, in reality, a pathological obsession for purely political, not realistic, reasons.  Can anyone cite anything positive the Republicans have done in Congress over the last seven and a half years?

Republican policies led us into endless war in the Middle East, a devastating recession and a non-functioning government.   They are promising more of the same.  Prominent Republicans have already declared they will not approve any Supreme Court Justice if Hillary Clinton is elected.  In other words, they have made it clear they will follow the same obstructionist policies with a new Democratic President as they did with the old.

The tragedy here is that the Republicans have now destroyed a basic principle of the Constitution that I was taught in school—the Supreme Court is above politics and strictly interprets the law.  But Republicans have made it clear, they will not accept a Supreme Court Justice unless he or she will uphold the Evangelical Christian right on matters of abortion and gay rights.  So forget the Constitutional principle about separation of church and state as far as Republicans are concerned.  (Not to mention Citizen’s United which is another Republican anti-democracy accomplishment.)

So, my fellow Americans, Alf and I urge you to get out and vote and to vote a straight Democratic ticket.  If not, you will allow the Republicans to screw up America more than they already have.

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