
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Where are the Presbyterians for Trump?

The Donald just nominated Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate.  Why? Because Pence is a former Roman Catholic alter boy turned born-again Christian, and an anti LGBT, anti-abortion, devout social conservative and is intended to help reinforce the GOP’s appeal to Evangelicals who have been flocking to Trump in droves which, in and of itself, is rather strange.  This is just another example of how phony Donald Trump is.   

After all, Trump professes to be a Presbyterian, a somewhat liberal leaning church which actually accepts abortion in nearly all cases, does not oppose contraception, ordains women, and accepts gay marriage.   As a former Presbyterian myself, I just wonder how the Presbyterian Church feels about their illustrious fellow church member Donald Trump playing their church as the “religious card.”  .

I have not seen any “Presbyterians for Trump” rallies. Why have we not heard a word from the Presbyterian Church on what it thinks about where Trumps stands on vilifying Mexicans in particular, Hispanics in general, banning Muslims from the country, killing terrorists’ families, reinstating torture, bombing the “shit” out of ISIS and all the other things he stands for which seem to run counter to the most noble precepts of Christianity?

Of course, Presbyterians are not that big a voting block although Pew Research finds them the oldest average age denomination and predominantly white. So Trump thumps his Presbyterian bible, names Pence as his VP, and goes after the Evangelicals who hate gays, oppose abortion, and want to base our nation’s civil laws on “God’s law” and teach the Bible in public schools.  If you don’t know what I am talking about or don’t believe me just read the newly established Republican Platform and you will see what I mean.  There is also a plank about appointing Supreme Court Justices who “uphold family values” which is Republican code for legalizing bigotry.

This is not really a discourse on Presbyterians nor Evangelicals.  It is an observation on how unnerving it is that the Republicans keep injecting religion into our supposedly secular—you know, separation of church and state—nation.  I am also questioning why more moderate, rational religions passively stand back and let the radical religious right take over our nation’s laws through their manipulation of the Republican Party.

So where the hell are you Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians and the other so-called main stream religions?  You are letting the radical right-wing bigoted Evangelicals dictate the political agenda in the name of your God and your Jesus.  Why don’t you stand up and ask yourselves WWJD?

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