
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Raser’s Edge—Observation Deck: What’s in a syndrome?

Right wingers have often diagnosed me as having “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS) which is defined as “a mock mental disorder coined by supporters of Donald Trump to describe his critics as irrational and unhinged.”

Actually it was originally coined referring to establishment Republicans during the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary but now Trumpists just use if for people they hate.

On the principle that one dumb syndrome deserves another, I am coining “Trump Sycophant Syndrome (TSS).  (I was going to call it “Trump Stupidity Syndrome” but I was afraid that it would offend some Trumpists so much they would hit the delete key.)

TSS is defined as “a real mental disorder that muddles people’s minds so much they believe all his lies, bombast, bragging, and narcissism and share his hatred towards minorities, immigrants and Democrats.”

TSS is not just limited to those grinning white people who go crazy at his rallies and chant hate slogans on cue.  Prominent Republican politicians have also been seriously afflicted.  One of the most serious cases is Ted Cruz.  During the nomination campaign, Trump called him “Lyin’ Ted,” insulted his wife and implied his father had something to do with Kennedy’s assassination.  It is amazing what a reelection campaign and a long nose inserted into a specific orifice will do.  Trump has returned Cruz’s love by calling him “Beautiful Ted.”

I was also going to coin the term “TBSS” which would not have required any explanation.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Raser’s Edge: Trumpists don’t like me because I am so smart

One of the things I contend with all the time from my right-wing Facebook Friends are nasty epithets and comments.  I have been called “such an ass,” “Commie bastard,” “Commie Democrat,” “phony,” “libtard,” “libturd,” “D-rat,” and a resident of the “shitpot of evil” among other things. I get comments like, “you are impossible,” “we need to block him.”  “He is too much of a daily annoyance and has a sick mind.”

There is a reason why Trumpists hold me in such contempt:  It is because I am so much smarter than they are.  I am really, really smart.  Everybody knows that.  People keep telling how smart I am all the time.  Let me tell you folks, just this morning my friend Jim, who knows a lot about smartness, called me up and told me I am probably the smartest guy in American history.

Even the President of the United States knows I am really, really smart.  You may recall he claimed that going to a great Ivy League school like he did—the University of Pennsylvania—makes him very smart.  Well, folks, I went the University of Pennsylvania too so obviously I am also super smart. 

President Trump declared he is smart because he knows “a lot of words.”  Well, let me tell you, I really, really know a lot of words.  I have a degree in journalism, worked as a professional newspaper correspondent, and a magazine editor/publisher so I bet I know even more words than Donald Trump.

Now you will also recall that Trumps said he is respected because he has a “very, very large brain.” Well, folks, you better believe it, a lot of people know that I have a very, very large brain.  Everybody says so including my doctor who has verified that my brain is very large.  He told me just the other day, “You have a larger brain than any Republican I have ever met.” 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Raser’s Edge:  The Observation Deck:  Socialist?  Nazi?  Fascist? Anyone?

One of the Trumpsts’s favorite ploys is to claim: “The Democrats want to turn American into Socialist Venezuela.”   Of course, that is not true, absurd and would never happen.  So, on the principle of matching stupidity with stupidity, how about this:  The Republicans want to turn America into Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.  Hey remember those pro-Trump neo-Nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us”?   Remember when those mob demonstrations took place, The Leader (Il Duce Americano) declared there were “good people on both sides”?  Oh.  Oh I forgot “mobs” for Republicans means women objecting to sexual assaults and nominating a judge who would take away the right to determine what to do with their own bodies.  Republicans like Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell  just want those nasty women “mobs” to shut up and go home and make dinner for their husbands.