
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Supreme Court decision—a victory for State over Church

The Supreme Court has just struck down the Texas anti-abortion laws. The plaintiffs argued that the law was required to protect women’s health.  The defendants’ argued that it restricted women’s’ rights to abortion access.  The reality is that it had nothing to do with women’s health nor women’s rights.   The reality is that it was about the division between church and state.

This whole abortion/contraception issue is nothing more than an attempt by radical Christian Evangelicals to impost their religious beliefs on the entire American public.  The confrontation had absolutely nothing to do with threats to women’s health—as the Justices clearly pointed out.  Opposition to abortion is based solely, uniquely on religious beliefs.
When are we going to finally get these Evangelical Christian bullies to keep their religious doctrines inside their church walls and stop trying to impose them on everyone else?  Why can’t they understand that just because they believe in some supernatural being that runs their lives, their belief is not shared by a great many of their fellow citizens (some who also profess to be Christians) who prefer their lives to be run by intelligent civil laws established by rational human beings?

Actually, Pew Research shows that when asked about the legality of abortions, 56 percent of Americans say it should be legal in all or most situations while 41 percent say it should be illegal all or most of the time.  I other words, a majority think it is a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body which is none of your business, thank you.

It will be very interesting when we get into full Presidential campaign mode and the religious card comes into play.  In past presidential elections and in the recent Republican primaries, candidates fell all over themselves declaring how much they loved Jesus.  Right now Trump and the Evangelicals are playing a little tip-toe dance with each other, one hoping to get an endorsement, the other not exactly sure where the Trumpster really stands. (Remember “Two Corinthians” and his two favorite books are the Bible and his own Art of the Deal.)

Donald professes to be a Presbyterian which is not exactly a Bible-thumping, arm-waving, body-dunking denomination.  I know, I used to be one.  It will be interesting to find out just how devout a Presbyterian Trump is. The Pew Research Center recently released a report on where major religions stand on abortion.  The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was classified “Support Abortion Rights with Few or No Limitations.”

This probably won’t cause Trump a problem since it’s been reported he’s changed political parties five times.  So what’s the big deal about changing religions if it might get some votes?

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