Well until something else comes along to capture American
media attention, (like another Malaysian airplane disappearance) we will be
hearing endless theories, opinions, commentaries, interviews and unsubstantiated
conjecture about the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. We now
have the conflict between the “we never leave one of our soldiers behind” and “he
was a rotten deserter who cost lives looking for him” and “we’ve encouraged Al
Qaeda to take more prisoners” and “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” and all
this mess is President Obama’s fault because he did not give Congress 30 day’s
notice before trading Berdahl for the Guantanamo prisoners. Let’s imaging this scenario: President Obama says to Congress, “I want to
make a trade for Guantanamo prisoners for Sgt. Bergdahl” (Congress has known
about the negotiations for a few years.)
So Congress has 30 days to approve or deny this. Now here’s what probably would have happened. House Republicans would have said they would
not even consider it unless there was a clause in the release repealing the
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). And any
discussion over Sgt. Bergdahl’s release would have to be done within the
framework of the new Republican instigated Benghazi hearings. Of course, all this is standard Republican
procedure to thwart everything Obama proposes and obstruct any progress on
anything in the U.S. KinderCongress. So
let’s say ten days pass after Congress is asked to decide on Bergdahl’s release
and nothing is done which most certainly would have been the case. So Al Quada posts a You Tube video showing
Bergdahl being beheaded with the captions saying the U.S. delayed the prisoner
transfer showing bad faith and the only thing to do was kill Bergdahl. Then the Republicans in the House would be
screaming that it was all Obama’s fault because he did not take immediate, bold
action to get Bergdahl back and John McCain would insist if he were President
he would have bombed the shit out of Al Qaeda to get Bergdahl back and forget
about all this diplomacy crap.
And that, children,
is today’s lesson in how absurd politics are in the United States of America.
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