
Friday, January 04, 2013

And the Hypocrite of the New Year Award goes to… Idaho Republican Sen. Michael Crapo (applause).  Crapo, a self-professed lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, got busted on December 22 for drunk driving.  We all know from the recent Presidential Campaign that drinking is not permitted by the Mormon Church.  I suppose Republican Senators get a waiver from God.  According to AP reports he was quaffing vodka and tonic that night, couldn’t sleep and decided to go out for a drive (a wonderful example of decision making.)  After a half-hour, El Crapo decided he was too crocked to drive and headed home when he got nabbed.  At the station house his blood alcohol level registered 0.14 (legal limit 0.08).  With a BAH that high after a half-hour, he must have been really, really smashed when he left home.  He now joins General Petreus and Rep. Weiner in the Pantheon of Dumb Ass Behavior.

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