
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

“I would have liked to see a little more on outreach and working together.  There was not, as I’ve seen in other inaugural speeches, ‘I want to work with my colleagues.’ ” That comment regarding President Obama’s inauguration speech came from none other than Presidential Candidate loser Republican Senator John McCain one of our best arguments for Congressional term limits.  Senator John probably forgot that after Obama’s last inaugural address which gushed with how much he wanted bipartisan harmony Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made defeating President Obama his main political objective.  The Republican Party then proceeded to swear they absolutely, categorically would not cooperate with Obama on anything and promptly became, and rightly so, the “party of no.”   As many of you have already surmised, I have no respect whatsoever for the Republican Party who drops their pants to the NRA and non-elected-to-anything dipshits like Grover Norquist and who haven’t had a new idea in 30 years.  Yes, I would like to be optimistic and hope the Republicans will finally participate in governing our country, but I doubt it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Republican Party is considering sending a thank you letter to Sabine Moreau, the Belgian woman who drove 900 miles off her route and ended up in Croatia instead of the Brussels airport 90 miles from her home.  Republicans are wildly acclaiming Sabine for giving them an excuse for turning so far to the right that a lot of Americans think the party has gone insane. Now the Republicans can claim it was all the GPS’s fault. Some Americans really believed the Republicans had set their political GPS on a route towards actually participating in the governing of our country. But instead, certain factions of the party kept resetting their GPS to indicate only right turns.  The public should have known there was a problem when as soon as President Obama took office, Senator Mitch McConnell made defeating him the main political objective of the Republican party. That didn’t work and it looks like with so many right turns the Republican Party is now running around in circles.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Guns are the most democratic things on earth.  A gun will kill you regardless of whether you are Republican or Democrat, child or adult, black, white, Hispanic or Asian, Jewish, Christian or Muslim.  I don’t see why the National Rifle Association doesn’t run full-page ads emphasizing “Guns are Equal Opportunity Killers.”  Instead, the NRA wants to see more guns in circulation on the ludicrous argument that more guns will mean less killings.  They want to arm school teachers, believe everybody should pack a heater and when Arizona bought back weapons and destroyed them, the NRA complained that those guns should be given to gun dealers and put back in circulation.  Instead of stupid arguments that defy common sense, the NRA should stick to the irrefutable fact that guns were made to kill and do not discriminate against good or bad guys.  Of course, the NRA is willing to consider a national data base of the mentally ill, but not a national data base of gun owners. Perhaps they are afraid too many names will appear on both lists.

Friday, January 04, 2013

And the Hypocrite of the New Year Award goes to… Idaho Republican Sen. Michael Crapo (applause).  Crapo, a self-professed lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, got busted on December 22 for drunk driving.  We all know from the recent Presidential Campaign that drinking is not permitted by the Mormon Church.  I suppose Republican Senators get a waiver from God.  According to AP reports he was quaffing vodka and tonic that night, couldn’t sleep and decided to go out for a drive (a wonderful example of decision making.)  After a half-hour, El Crapo decided he was too crocked to drive and headed home when he got nabbed.  At the station house his blood alcohol level registered 0.14 (legal limit 0.08).  With a BAH that high after a half-hour, he must have been really, really smashed when he left home.  He now joins General Petreus and Rep. Weiner in the Pantheon of Dumb Ass Behavior.