Inevitably, someone stated on Facebook that if the school
teachers at the Sandy Hook Elementary
School had been armed and trained the tragedy would
have been avoided. This is indicative
of the depths of stupidity we have to deal with in America when it comes to guns. I suppose these morons believe we could
eliminate mass killings by arming everybody in places where such shootings have
taken place: fast food restaurants, post
offices, universities, parking lots, churches, mosques, etc. Would you feel
safer if you knew the kid serving you a Big Mac had a Glock 9mm 25-shot pistol
under the counter? Last August
7, after a lunatic killed six
people in a Wisconsin Sikh church I wrote it was “thoughts and prayers” time
again. Whenever one of these senseless mass killings takes place, our
politicians wring their hands and declare their “thoughts and prayers” are with
the victims and their families. You know
what? Those “thoughts and prayers” don’t
do those poor dead children and their families one God-damn bit of good. What might help is if our spineless
politicians stood up to the NRA and passed some laws that would ban the assault
weapons, ammunition and high capacity clips that are the mass killers
instruments of choice.
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