In radio interviews, facebook postings and internet chatter
some men have been declaring the government better not take away their right to
pack a rod for their own defense. These guys (they are all guys) are suffering
from what I would call JWFS or “John Wayne Fantasy Syndrome.” They fantasize that one day they will be in a
shopping mall when a wild-eyed young man, dressed all in
black, wearing a bullet-proof vest, will pull out an AK-47 and point it at the
innocent, helpless crowd. As the people
shriek, cry hysterically and run, he will whip out his trusty Glock 9mm pistol and with
consummate skill, he will drill the madman between the eyes with one shot. The crowd will cheer and he will be a
national hero. Ironically, these are the
same guys who want everyone else to be able to obtain guns. I guess that’s so they will have somebody to
defend themselves against. I have lived
in six major cities in the United
States and done considerable travelling and
never once in 75 years have I known anybody (including myself) who has required
a gun for self-defense. These guys
either need reality checks or testosterone suppressants. Probably these John Wayne wannabes would all
like to live in Florida
where they could shoot un-armed teenagers and claim self defense under the
“stand your ground” law. Hey Congress,
wake up! We do not live in the early
1800s anymore. Maybe our laws should
reflect that.
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