
Monday, November 04, 2019

Raser’s Edge:  My legal opinion
Admittedly, I am not a lawyer.  However, I did play one on stage as the assistant prosecutor in the courtroom drama Inherit the Wind.  So I believe I am just as qualified as anyone else to render my opinion on the interminable cable news discussions regarding Trump’s impeachment.
The case has been exhaustively discussed in public, so much so that any kind of official proceedings are completely superfluous and unnecessary. Everybody has already established their arguments.
Trump has emphatically made his case:  “It’s a hoax, a witch hunt, I did nothing wrong, no collusion, no quid pro quo, the fake news press is out to get me, the Democrats are traitors, you never had it so good.”  The Congressional Republicans are squirming to be as indecisively deceive as they can be without offending Trump who scares them to death.  “Well, maybe it wasn’t such a good thing he said on the phone call, but it really is not an impeachable offence, he really did not mean quid pro quo, he was just misinterpreted…”  Then some of his biggest sycophants, Rudolph Giuliani and Steven Mnuchin, go out in public and say, “Yeah, he did the quid pro quo but so what we do stuff like that all the time. No big deal.”
Then the Congressional Democrats say: “We are just doing what is right for the American public, carrying out our constitutional duty to attack, disparage and discredit an obnoxious Republican sleaze ball president.  That’s what the American people want and that’s exactly what we intend to do.”
The point is, everyone in America who is actually wasting time following this thing has already arrived at a conclusion.  If you think Trump is the most despicable person to ever hold the office of president, you have already decided he should be impeached, removed from office and burned at the stake.  If you think he was appointed by God, the greatest president in the history of America and a stable genius, you have already decided all Congressional democrats should be charged with treason and burned at the stake.
So, in conclusion, my considered legal opinion is:  Everybody in America has already decided whether Trump is a saint or a schmuck, so why waste time with impeachment proceedings?  Since the Senators will not impeach Trump anyway, maybe they should direct their attention to the hundreds of bills passed by the house that McConnell refuses to bring to a vote and really get on with what the American public believes their elected officials were sent to Washington to do.  

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