
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Raser’s Edge:  Republicans, the Party of Lies

During the Obama Administration, the Republican Party was known as “the party of no” because whatever Obama proposed they said “no.”  Now, under their Liar-in-Chief, Donald Trump, they have become the Party of Lies.

No matter what lie Trump tells, the Republican sycophants feel obligated to come up with ways to justify it.  Kellyanne Conway, of course, invented  “alternate facts,”  and Rudy Giuliani came up with concept of “truth is relative.”  Another Trump slobberer, whose name I don’t recall, declared that Trump “misremembered” a fact to justify the lie.

This morning, Steve Bannon, who is so far right he qualifies as a neo- Nazi, when asked on This Week with George Stephanopolis if Trump lies, said “no” he doesn’t and added that Trump just speaks with a “special vernacular” to his supporters.  With homage to Gertrude Stein, “A lie is a lie, is a lie.  A lie by any other name would stink as badly.”  (Trump’s “base” supporters will probably not get that reference.)

Trump tells so many lies that it is hard to keep count.  His impromptu press conference outside the White House this week was a treasure trove of lies but I’ll just cite two:  1) The Democrats are to blame for separating immigrant parents from their children and, 2)  just jailed Paul Manafort only served the Trump campaign for 49 days.

Separating asylum seekers from their children is a Trump policy, not a Democrat’s law.  In fact AG Jeff Sessions proclaimed that the administration’s specific “no tolerance” stance is Republican policy and declared it is ordained by God.  Regarding Manafort’s connection with the Trump campaign, Liar Don said he only served 49 days when he actually served 144.  Of course, this is not “fake news” nor “unfair treatment”—Trump’s go to excuses.  Fact and math are unequivocal.  Trump lied!  Bingo.  Oh, I’m sure his gullible “base” will understand his “special vernacular” and put on their red baseball caps.

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