
Monday, November 20, 2017

Raser’s Edge:  Republicans’ “alternate logic”

No need tell you what’s going on with Alabama Senatorial Candidate Roy Moore and Senator Al Franken. You’ve been getting a steady dose of it for a week.  Moore molested minors and Franken did a dumb thing with his now famous tongue and took a really stupid photograph.  As usual, I amused myself yesterday watching the Sunday morning network news shows and once again marveled at how Moron Don’s sycophants can destroy logic and rational thought.

Let’s start with Moore.  Trump has been silent about Moore’s child molesting.  When asked the president’s position on Moore, Marc Short, his director of legislative affairs, dodged around the question numerous times declaring the President was not campaigning for Moore and “It will be the people of Alabama who will decide on Moore.”  When asked about the President’s ignoring his own harassment behavior, Short stated the American people had resolved that issue by elected him.  In other words, by electing Trump, the American people essentially condoned sexual harassment by Trump and if Moore is elected the people of Alabama don’t have a problem with molesting children.  According to Republican “logic,” if the American people, or Alabamians, elect candidates who exhibit despicable behavior then despicable behavior is implicitly condoned by the people (including Evangelical Christian hypocrites).

Now let’s get to Franken.  This one comes from Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  When asked how come Moron Don can tweet the most derogatory comments on Senator Al Franken (e.g. Frankenstein) and totally ignore his own sexual harassment behavior, she essentially replied Franken admitted his actions, Donald Trump never did.   Trump just said all 12 of the women accusing him are “liars.” So once again the Republicans’ version of rational thought is:  If a Senator admits doing something objectionable, the President has every right to slime him in public.  But, if a Presidential Candidate does something objectionable but does not admit it, it should be totally ignored.  (Of course, he did brag about “grabbing pussy” and that he could get away with anything with women since he is famous but Sanders evidently doesn’t consider that “admitting it.”)

So why is it surprising Republicans have a problem with logic and rational argument?  Might have something to do with their considering it perfectly acceptable to invent “alternate facts.”

Monday, November 13, 2017

Raser’s Edge: Archaeologists find Jesus abused children

A startling new archaeological find reveals Jesus abused little boys and girls. On a new site outside Jerusalem archaeologists from the University of Cambridge found ancient scrolls specifically stating Jesus engaged in inappropriate activities with children.

The finding is based on a scroll referring to “Suffer the little children to come unto me” (Matthew 19:14 and Luke 18:16). The word for “suffer” in these scrolls carries a far different meaning than the one commonly accepted in current versions of the Bible. The new translation of that passage is “Bring those children to me so I can do anything I want with them.”

Alabama Evangelical Christians are perplexed by the new finding but a spokesperson for the Gallant First Baptist Church said “if it was good enough for Jesus then it is good enough for Roy Moore. “

The Roman Catholic Church responded with a statement pointing out that their priests have been emulating Jesus for many years.

(NOTE: This is intentionally false news intended to piss off Republican ultra conservatives and self-righteous Evangelicals but it would not surprise me if some dumbbells actually believe it.)

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Raser’s Edge:  The Observation Deck: You never know when you might need a condom or a gun

The BBC interviewed a group of Texans after the recent Southerland Springs shooting and of course several of those interviewed subscribed to that idiotic notion that good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns.  The interviewer asked them if they had ever used their guns, which they claimed they always carried, to stop a bad guy with a gun.  Of course, they all replied never. One of these self-styled Wyatt Earps commented, “Well when I was younger I always carried a condom because I never knew when I was going to need it.” That would substantiate the psychological theory that these big, tough, macho guys associate their gun with their penis.