
Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Observation Deck: Sunday funday
If you have never watched the Sunday morning tv talk shows, you should try it. They are very entertaining. Every week, Trump’s chumps go on Meet the Press, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Face the Nation and Fox News and declare that the Trumpster did not say what he said, that the dumb, fake media did not understand what he really said, that you should not take him literally or some other cockamamie excuse for the stuff he actually said but they say he didn’t.
I am looking forward to this Sunday. I really want to see which creepy sycophant—Conway, Miller or Gorka—will step forward to chastise the press for not understanding that Trump’s remarks on the Charlottesville tragedy were just wonderful and not intended to please his core supporters—you know, the neo-Nazis, the KKK and White Supremacists
Of course, the former KKK leader David Duke and various other American Nazis heaped praised on Trump and thanked him for his endorsement and most of the gutless Republican Congresspeople just grumbled and mumbled and fell back in line behind their Supreme Leader or kept silent.
Most Americans, myself included, could not believe how disgustingly The Trump reacted to the Charlottesville tragedy. Callous, unfeeling, declaring both sides were at fault, and neo-Nazis included some “good people.”
The Sunday morning talk shows this week will be very interesting. So if you are not going to spend Sunday morning thanking your god for Trump and how he appointed a devout evangelical conservative to the Supreme Court, stay home and watch the talk shows. You might learn something.

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