
Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Observation Deck: The Republicans’ idea of “colorful language”

Trump’s new communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, has coined another creative entry for the Republican-speak lexicon. Now, Republicans are free to use the most disgusting vulgarities and brush it off as “colorful language.” You will recall that Republicans invented “alternate facts” to justify their lies and, of course, when Trump bragged about “grabbing pussy” that was excused as “locker room talk.”

Let’s put aside politics for a moment. I find Scaramucci’s “colorful language,” Kelly Ann Conway’s “alternate facts” and Republicans’ excusing Trump’s macho braggadocio as “locker room talk” unacceptable. You can scoff and say I am an old fuddy-duddy and that I was brought up in an era with a different perspective on acceptable behavior. Yes, I was. Believe it or not, in my generation, high school boys did not swear (you know, use “bad” words) in front of girls. Yes, I know it sounds quaint, but it’s true.

I am perfectly aware all that has changed. Have any of you followed teenagers’ twitter accounts? I have followed my granddaughter’s Twitter account through her teenage years and was thoroughly appalled by the vulgarities and disgustingly foul language which is common practice in hers and her friends’ Tweets--both boys and girls. So Trump’s campaign references to opponents as “mother fuckers” and declaring he would “bomb the shit” out of enemies among his other disgusting language usage has evidently become acceptable today.

This is not a partisan thing. I can assure you that if Hillary Clinton had used the same language and appointed officials who spoke like Scaramucci I would feel exactly the same way. There are still many of us who believe the President of the United States should conduct himself with dignity and set an example of class and decorum. Obviously, our current president doesn’t think that way. Instead, he and some of his appointed officials have chosen to behave like immature, foul-mouthed teenagers.

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