
Monday, January 30, 2017

Let's define some terms...

In his first week Trump certainly has whipped up his “base” with lots of macho stuff like “building the wall” (and offending Mexicans), keeping out the “radical Muslim terrorists”(and pissing off the entire Muslim world, especially ISIS), pouting about not being recognized as having the biggest inauguration crowd in the history of the universe (poor little Donny-wonny our whiner-in-chief), declaring the blatant absurdity that all 3,000,000 popular votes for Hillary were fraudulent—otherwise, of course, he would have won the popular vote (another colossal lie but never mind).

This is indicative of what we can expect from our idiocracy for the next four years.  In the interest of clarity, I have decided to establish a consistent terminology for my blog in dealing with our brave new world.  Trump has bragged that he has created a “movement.”  So, of course, it should have a name.  Henceforth, I shall refer to it as “Trumpism.”   This is consistent with the use of the suffix “-ism” which is a suffix in the formation of nouns denoting action or practice, state or condition, principles, doctrines, a usage or characteristic, devotion or adherence.  E.g. “Fascism.”

Consequently, all those who adhere to his movement shall be known as “Trumpists” applying the noun suffix that denotes a person who practices or is concerned with something, or holds certain principles and doctrines. E.g. “Fascist.”

Now we come to the question of how to define Trump’s years as president.  Normally, in the United States we call it an “Administration.”  However, in Trump’s case, it would be more appropriate to call it a “regime.”  Webster's definition states that the word régime refers simply to a form of government, while the Oxford English Dictionary defines regime as "a government, especially an authoritarian one".  In The Trump’s case, the latter applies. (Some of you may catch the reference of using the article "the" before his name.)

Right from the outset it appears Trump is establishing a regime with himself as the absolute authority. He has made it clear he expects everyone to do exactly what he tells them to do.  And if his first week in office is any indication, a great many Republicans in Congress are showing a remarkable ability to discard their balls and go along with whatever The Trump tells them.

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