
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Carly says Obama eats dogs

While surfing YouTube today I came across a truly insipid, puerile posting entitled:  “Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats With Carly Fiorina.”  Yes, one of your Republican Presidential Candidates posted a video of herself worthy of any high school sophomore.  During the video, while cuddling an adorable pair of little puppys she declares, “You know, Obama ate one of your cousins.”  Really cute. According to Carly, Obama eats dogs. It is truly astonishing how far Republicans, from a Presidential candidate down to the crudest right-wing low life, will go to vilify and disparage our President.  A facebook ultra-conservative friend posted an item sliming Obama and the comments were truly disgusting.  One of the more mild ones was, “Obama is a Muslim camel humper.”  How can anyone of any political stripe condone this kind of thing?  “American values” indeed.

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