
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Republican continue their "Let me entertain you!" primary campaign

One of the more entertaining elements of the Republican presidential nomination race is watching to see which demographic group the GOP candidates are going to piss off next.  Trump set the bar pretty high when he called illegal Mexicans “rapists” during his candidacy announcement.  Then this week Jeb Bush slammed those dreadful “anchor babies” whose illegal parents arrange to have them born in the U.S.A. so their kids can get immediate citizenship.  Everybody assumed, of course, he meant Latinos.  But then he clarified it by saying he was actually referring to Asians. So now we can add Asians to the list of people Republicans don’t like.  Of course, Trump wants to repeal that birthright citizen amendment completely so he handles Mexicans and Asians in one swoop.

Ted Cruz reinforced the Republican aversion to women’s rights by declaring he might consider shutting down the government again unless Congress denies funding to Planned Parenthood.  Oh, then we have that southern clerk of court defying Federal Law by denying marriage licenses to gays.  We already know where the Republican Candidates stand on that although a couple GOP presidential hopefuls actually admitted they could attend a gay marriage just to show how open minded they are.  I just hope we are not submitted to one more video of a baker sobbing over his religious rights being violated because he refused to make a cake for gays.

We also had a brilliant example of Republican Kinderdiplomacy from Scott Walker.  Big bad China manipulated its currency to bolster its sagging economy and Walker called for cancelling the Chinese President’s state visit next month.  Sort of like the little kid stamping his foot in the school yard and whining, “I don’t like what you did so you can’t come to my birthday party, so there!” 

Walker complained, “Americans are struggling to cope with the fall in today’s markets driven in part by China’s slowing economy and the fact that they actively manipulate their economy.  Rather than honoring Chinese President Xi Jinping with an official state visit next month, President Obama should focus on holding China accountable over its increasing attempts to undermine U.S. interests.”

If I remember correctly, the United States, has manipulated interest rates for the last several years and bailed out its financial industry which had recklessly engaged in speculative junk and nearly destroyed the world’s economic system.  Why is it when another country acts in its best interest that’s bad, but if we do it then it’s okay?  Another example of “Republican logic.”

I’m curious as to why Walker and the Republicans are not suggesting the Pope’s visit be cancelled.  After all, he believes we humans are hurting the environment, has said some nasty things about capitalism and even made some overtures to gays and divorced people.  Come on Republicans, show how tough you are and demand the Pope stays home!

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