
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Michael Sam, a six foot two, 260 pound defensive lineman and potential NFL player, just “came out” as gay.  The most shocking thing about his admission is that so many people consider it shocking.  “My God he is a football player!” they weep and wail and wring their hands!  (And probably gnash their teeth but we will get to biblical references later.) Would it shock them to learn there are gay doctors, lawyers, bank tellers and auto mechanics?  The issue here is that a lot of people in our country —especially white males--have this image of football players as the epitome of masculinity so a gay football player seems to go against their great American “values” (whatever they are any more).   Not only do these guys have to deal with learning that a big, talented male athlete who is capable of viciously slamming an opponent to the ground is gay, they also have to deal with their so-called “faith.”  You know, God says homosexuality is a sin, an abomination and all that and how can you argue with God?  Okay you’ve heard the familiar rebuttal to biblical homophobia that the Old Testament also declares that adulterers should be stoned to death.  Considering our statistics on divorce rates, probably half the adult population in the Unites States would be in serious trouble under Leviticus 20:10.  Doesn’t it strike you a bit absurd when God gets involved in whether someone is fit to play in the NFL?  Fortunately, the vast majority reaction has been very supportive of Sam especially among football players.  I guess the supportive people also read the Bible.  Remember John 8:5 when the scribes and Pharisees brought the adulteress to Jesus and pointed out Moses’s law said she should be stoned to death and Jesus replied, “Ok the one without sin should toss the first stone.”  Looks like Sam would be one of Jesus’s draft picks.  Can you imagine what the reaction would be if one of the bearded males in that revered example of masculine American culture Duck Dynasty came out as gay? 

1 comment:

Burt said...

The same line of reasoning should be passed to the Arizona legislature who just passed a thinly veiled anti-LGBT law allowing establishments to refuse service.