
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

We Americans can create controversy and conflict about anything and everything.  The latest issue to raise our collective blood pressure is that major big-box retail stores are going to open on Thanksgiving Day. Wow! This has now become occasion for uproar, protest and yet another chance to demand an emotional, patriotic defense of our way of life.  After all, Thanksgiving is the greatest of all family American holidays when, by tradition, we are supposed to get together as a family, be happy and overeat. For some people, opening big retail stores on Thanksgiving Day surpasses Obamacare as the worst thing to happen in American history and a threat to our values (whatever they may be anymore). One women interviewed on a “news” program declared that in protest she will not shop on Thanksgiving and not even shop in those stores forever unless she required necessities. Huh? She implored everyone to join her in refusing to shop on Thanksgiving Day. Fat chance. All these people wringing their hands over the horror of big stores opening on Thanksgiving is a perfect example of how distorted our collective psyche has become.  We cherish some idea of great immutable American traditions, like Thanksgiving, as if they really mean something.  Then we find out that all our so called values are illusions and have been distorted to be money making machines (like Christmas by the way).  So, here is the reality.  Big stores are in business to make money and they care not about you or American traditions or how much they pay their employees who have to work on holidays or whether you shop there or not because others will and the loss of you doesn’t mean a damn thing.  By opening on Thanksgiving Day they make more money.  Period.  So if you are all in a snit about big stores opening on Thanksgiving Day, stay home.  It’s that simple.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

You probably have heard the mayor of Toronto explained the reason he sniffed coke cocaine was because he was in a “drunken stupor.”  I suppose you could call that “politician logic” as it establishes a wonderful argument for all politicians.  Just think, for example, George W. Bush could have said, “I got us into the Iraq war because I was in a drunken stupor.”  Or President Obama could have said, “I told everybody they could keep the health insurance they have because I was in a drunken stupor.”  And how could you argue with such honesty.  Hey, this means when politicians do stupid things it is okay as long as they did it while in a drunken stupor. Drunken stupors are bad; bad actions while in drunken stupors are acceptable.  Makes perfect sense.