
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Today I had chest x-rays taken and met with the surgeon who cut a hunk out of my lung containing melanoma three and a half weeks ago. First I met with his Physician’s Assistant who told me everything looked good except I had some excessive “stool.” I said, “What?”  She replied, “You know, poop.”  If any of you read my earlier blog about an annoying pressure in my upper abdomen which felt like a beer belly without benefit of beer, you will remember that the discomfort was bothering me more than pain which I could deal with. My surgeon arrived and told me from the surgery point of view everything was just perfect, great healing, great lung function, high five!  Yeah!  The problem causing my discomfort was too much poop in my upper intestine which I just learned extends higher than I thought up into your rib cage.  He assured me that the pressure under my breast bone had nothing to do with the surgery and suggested I try laxatives. It's bad enough to have all these cancers now I find out I'm full of shit.

1 comment:

Brother Bob raser said...

I am laughing out loud!!!!!!!