
Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Mouse that Roared was a 1959 Peter Sellers film that pitted the smallest country in Europe, the duchy of Fenwick, against the United States of America and ultimately the world.  The little country, in bad economic straits, decided that if it declared war on the United States, invaded it and lost, the U.S. would pour in vast amounts of money to rebuild it (Something America tends to do.)  By strange twists, the Fenwick invaders, about 12 men armed with bows and arrows, find New York deserted because of an atomic attack drill and they happen to take possession of the Q Bomb which is the most powerful bomb in the world.  Naturally the United States of America and all the other world powers fall all over themselves to curry favor with Fenwick.  In the end, it turns out the bomb is a dud but the world powers don’t know this and Fenwick essentially rules the world.  That’s really a funny, far-fetched plot except it is happening today.  North Korea’s dipshit leader Kim Jong-un is threatening to attack South Korea and declare war on the United States and send nuclear missiles to destroy LA and Washington, D.C. which is preposterous.  The United States which purports to be the most powerful nation in the universe poops it pants and decides to spend tens of millions more dollars on a missile defense system (which only works 50 percent of the time) on the west coast, postpone missile tests and generally let the little North Korean jerk make us look like a scared bunch of old, white men cold warriors.  Of course, that’s just what Kim Jong-un wants and he is probably laughing his ass off at us.  Now let’s play the kids game, if I were president this is what I would do.  I would write this letter to Kim Jong-un.  “Dear Kim, If you do something dumb like attack South Korea or launch a missile (nuclear on not) at us or our Pacific bases, we will wipe your crappy little country off the face of the earth.  Since your entire country is about the size of Mississippi we don’t even need nuclear weapons to reduce you to rubble which we will.  By copy of this letter we are informing your pal China that we will not spend one U.S. penny to rebuild the shit pile we will make of you.  China please note regarding North Korea, if we break it, you own it.  Sincerely the U.S President.”  Am I the only American who is pissed off at the way we are groveling to that North Korean fat boy with the goofy haircut?

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