Would Mitt Romney please shut up! You lost, Mitt, get over it. Go to one of your houses and pout in
private. Our world-class liar, political
opportunist, flip-flopper and former presidential candidate held a conference
call with his top donors whining that his loss was due to "gifts" Obama made
to specific groups of voters. As the
Associated Press reported, Romney told his money pit Obama won “because of the
‘gifts’ he had already provided to blacks, Hispanics and young voters and
because of the president's effort to paint him as anti-immigrant.” The AP also reported, “Among the
"gifts" Romney cited were free health care "in perpetuity,"
which he said was highly motivational to black and Hispanic voters as well as
for voters making $25,000 to $35,000 a year.” Doesn’t this sound like the same
groups Romney denigrated during the campaign?
You know, the 47 percent of Americans who are moochers, misfits and bums
who don’t take responsibilities for their own lives. That’s Republican code for “blacks” and
“illegal Hispanic immigrants.” This is but one more example of the underlying
racism and bigotry which have become mainstays of Republican “values.” Of course, if Romney had won, that same phone
call to his donor fat cats would have confirmed that they voted for him because
of his promised “gifts” of lower taxes on the rich, repealing Obamacare and eliminating regulations so
corporations can reap bigger profits by screwing middle class Americans.
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