Well, at least the Republicans haven’t blamed Hurricane
Sandy on Obama. I’m sure they will come
up with something hurricane-related to blame on him in the next few days. They say everything that has happened since
his election—recession, unemployment, gas prices, house foreclosures—are all
his fault. Does anyone remember George
W. Bush? Of course Republicans are in
denial that he ever existed, got us into two disastrous wars, turned a budget
surplus into a humongous deficit, let the financial industry run rampant and
nearly destroy the American and global economy. But Republicans have their own
kind of logic. It involves ignoring
their own history, pretending their failed trickle-down policies actually work
(which they don’t), never acknowledge they caused a lot of problems though
obstructionism, and truth has no relevance in the pursuit of power. You’ve heard the latest Romney lie that Jeep
is moving all its production to China . Even after the lie was exposed the
Republicans kept running the TV ad. It’s
unfortunate that Sandy
arrived at election time. Hopefully we
can avoid another disaster. Sandy ’s mess can probably
be cleaned up in a couple months. If
Romney is elected the mess he will create will take a generation to fix. Remember
what P.J. O’Rourke said, “The Republicans are the party that says government
doesn't work and then get elected and prove it.”
This is a completely independent web log and is not endorsed nor approved by any political candidate or party. The writer does not adhere to, endorse, or promote any religious organization, faith or cult. All opinions expressed here are solely those of the author. If you do not agree with those opinions, feel free to coment. "Cynicism is the last refuge of the idealist." -- L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
We all know that life is not fair. But one of history’s
greatest inequities would be Mitt Romney becoming President of the United States . Whether Republicans will admit it or not,
Obama’s policies have begun to take effect and the economy is turning for the
better—slowly, indeed, but turning. Most economists agree that whoever becomes
President, things will improve. So if
Romney becomes President, Americans will see a brighter picture and he will claim credit for fixing the economy although no credit will be due. An example of this is Romney’s spurious
statement that he will create 12 million jobs in the next four years. Economic forecasters have long predicted that
12 million jobs will be created over the next four years no matter who is President. Romney knows this, but he is already claiming
that his plan (whatever that is) will be the reason for those 12 million new jobs, which it won’t be. Romney has already made the outrageous claim
that his election alone will produce a wave of optimism because of what he will
do, although no one is really sure what that is. I would venture that Obama’s reelection would
also greatly bolster the American spirit if for no other reason than this
dreadful election campaign will be over and we can get on with our collective
lives. The Republicans caused the mess
and then obstructed every attempt Obama made to correct their mistakes. Rewarding them with a Romney victory would be
a horrible mistake.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Dear God,
The Republicans are at it again. In addition to blaming their bigotry on You,
now they’re saying You’re the one causing women to get raped. "I think
even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something
that God intended to happen," according to Indiana Republican Senate
candidate Richard
Mourdock. I really find that hard to believe. I realize that Your
Bible isn’t precisely clear on rape like in Deuteronomy where if a woman was
raped in the city both the raper and rapee were stoned to death but if it
happened in the country they just wasted the guy. Another prominent Republican,
Paul Ryan said his position is that “the method of conception doesn’t change
the definition of life.” You see he
wouldn’t allow a women to get an abortion even in the case of rape or incest
(which I know you are against, Leviticus 18:6). So, according to Mourdock, if a woman gets raped You
wanted it to happen and then, according to Ryan You are adamantly against
abortion no matter how conception took place.
Oh I forgot to mention Missouri Senate candidate Republican Rep. Todd
Akin who said women subjected to "legitimate rape" (presumably
sanctioned by You) get pregnant only because their anti-rape conception system
failed. Kind of like getting pregnant by
rape is their fault. It seems the Republicans’ attitude towards women in just
about everything is, oh just screw ‘em. Excuse the pun. I do hope You get through this
Presidential Election with Your reputation intact.
Your friend,
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Oh poor Mitty Boo Boo.
That bad old Mr. Obama was attacking him and he didn’t like it. “Attacking me is not an agenda,” Mitty Boo
Boo complained more than once during the last performance of the Presidential
Debate Show. Of course, Mitty Boo Boo
would never think of being so nasty as to attack Mr. Obama. Oh no.
As you can see I am sparing you a rehash of all the lies Romney told
which have been factchecked to death. At several points in the “debate” I heard
Romney repeating the same things the President had just said, essentially
agreeing with him. Romney’s pattern
seemed to be he would do the same things the President is actually doing only
he would somehow do them more, tougher and better. Like he would have started sanctions against Iran sooner and
would make them tougher. Of course,
since he was not the President, he did not actually have to deal with the
problem so he can say “would have,” “could have” all he wants. Romney agreed
with Obama that America has
to work with China
economically and politically except that Romney would declare China a “currency
manipulator” on day one which hardly seems like a good start for working with
another country. If you look back at all
the debates what came out of them? Nothing
substantial. They were the same old
stump speeches woven into so-called debates but all anybody remembers is that
Romney came on strong in the first debate and Obama looked like he was
suffering from constipation. At least the third Presidential Debate gave us one
thing to be thankful for. It was the
last one.
Sideblog: Romney won the lapel pin issue. His American flag pin was bigger than Obama’s.
Sideblog: Romney won the lapel pin issue. His American flag pin was bigger than Obama’s.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
There is a very specific reason why Mitt Romney keeps
changing his position on just about every issue. He’s a career
businessman. Businessmen exist for one
reason: to make money. You can’t make
money by never modifying your product or updating your service. Right now the Mittster is adamant that he
wants to create jobs in America ,
but when it was advantageous to him to send American jobs overseas that’s what
he did. For anyone who has spent years
in business (and I have) particularly in sales, you learn very quickly that you
have to offer a product the clients want to buy. You may have a product that would be better
for the clients but if they don’t want to buy it, they won’t. For example, when the Mittster was running in
the primaries, his main client was the extreme right wing Tea Party so he
bragged about being “severely conservative.” It worked. With their backing he
got the nomination. Now that he has it, and 75 per cent of the American public
think the Tea Partisti are nuts, he has new clients—the entire voting public—so
he has to modify his product to appeal to them.
Remember the guy who hated Obamacare so much that he would repeal it his
first day in office? Well, he now says
some aspects of it are great and he would keep them. Could it be that those aspects are products
his new clients would like to buy? Oh,
remember the Romney that hated regulations because they cripple business? He has been replaced by the Romney who thinks
some regulations are necessary. And oh,
remember the Romney who slimed 47 per cent of the American public and declared
he did not care about them. At that
moment his customers were fat cat supporters.
Now the new, improved Romney says, "My
campaign is about the 100 percent of America , and I'm concerned about
them.” Of course, the
customers now include the scruffy 47 per cent.
The question for Americans now is:
Would you buy something from this man when you are not sure exactly what
he’s selling?
Friday, October 19, 2012
Right after the second Presidential debate women became the
demographic target du jour for both
parties. Just think, if you were a
black, Hispanic, evangelical lesbian you would be constantly bombarded with
solicitations aimed at the category vote every day. I
found it somewhat ridiculous that Romney’s idea of proof that he supports
women’s issues is that he appointed women to his cabinet in Massachusetts . Wow! Millions of women are paid less than men for
the same job, they’re worried about their health care, their right to choose,
right to obtain contraceptives, victims of abuse and Mitt Romney appoints women
to his cabinet. Did you need more proof
that he cares for women than that? He claimed he intentionally solicited names
of qualified women which produced the now famous “binders.” Chalk up another lie to Romney. Prominent women’s groups in Massachusetts had already compiled the
binders to give to whoever became governor.
He did not solicit them they were given to him. He put women in his cabinet because he
already knew he was going to run for President and it would look good. His
popularity in Massachusetts
plummeted in his last year because voters felt he was spending too much time
out of state preparing his Presidential run.
In case you forgot, here is the actual debate question: “In what new ways do you intend to rectify the
inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females making only 72
percent of what their male counterparts earn?” Romney replied he appointed
women to his cabinet in Massachusetts . Obama replied that the first bill he signed
was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Play Act which extended the statute of limitations for filing an equal-pay lawsuit regarding pay
discrimination. You figure it out.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
If Mitt
Romney had gone to high school with me, he would have been called a “snot.” Snots were the kids who always considered
themselves better than everyone else. We also had our ”nerds” but we called
them “brains” because, although they might be a bit awkward socially, they were
really smart and we admired them because at that time getting good grades in
high school was very important to us and our parents. But the snots, sometimes referred to a “stuck
ups,” were universally disliked. That’s
the Mittster’s problem. He is just not a
likable guy. He really does think he is
better than everybody else and that’s the way he comes across. You have heard
him defending his offshore bank accounts and bragging about how successful he
was in business. But does he really have
to ram it down our throats? “I’m not
going to apologize for being successful,” he says, but does he have to consider
everyone who has not attained his millions a failure? When he labeled the famous 47 percent of
Americans moochers who don’t take responsibility for their lives, does anyone
doubt that he really meant that? Of
course he did. The spin artists blow it
off and say well he was talking in private so that doesn’t count. Of course it does. When speaking to your snotty club members in
private that’s when you say exactly what you mean. Once a snot, always a snot.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Welcome to the Second
Presidential Debate pre-game show with Harry and Clyde :
Harry: Well, excitement has been mounting for the
second meeting of the series between Romney and Obama.
Clyde: Right, Harry.
The Obama fans are hoping their guy can make up for his lack-luster
performance in their first outing.
Harry: And the
Romney side hopes he can keep up his continuous talking stream regardless of what
he says just as long as he keeps talking.
Clyde: But you know, Harry, it really doesn’t matter
what anybody says during these debates because most of it isn’t even true. What really matters is the performance. You know, how did
he conduct himself, was he too aggressive or not aggressive enough.
Harry; Yeah we
saw that in the one game series between Biden and Ryan.
Clyde: Ryan won that one on number of lies and how
many swallows of water he took while Biden clearly led in smirks, laughs,
interruptions and eye rolls. You know, the AP scored 92 smiles for Biden which
could be a debate record.
Harry: Well, the
scoring could go any way tonight since the playing field layout has been
Clyde: Right,
it’s town hall rules tonight. And we’ll be right there to explain it to you
after it’s over since you probably will miss a lot by concentrating on how the
players look and behave rather that what they say.
Harry: Right they’ve said it all before
anyway but you still need pundits to explain it to you in case you didn't get it the first 300 times.
Clyde: We’ll see
you tonight at the event.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Well, it looks like the miserable
people in America
are going to decide the Presidential Election.
All we have heard during this campaign is how miserable Americans
are. The news media and politicians,
left and right, have gone on endlessly about people who lost their jobs, can’t
find a job, have an upside down mortgage, got evicted, have a mountain of debt,
have no health insurance… Both parties have been courting these miserable
people. According to the Republicans,
everybody in America
is miserable and it is all Obama’s fault so if you elect them they will fix all
Obama’s mistakes and put you out of your misery. According to the Democrats a lot of people in
the United States
are, in fact, miserable but Obama’s policies are turning the situation around
so re-elect them and you will no longer be miserable. This presents a somewhat unique problem for
Romney because most of les miserables are in the 47 percent he doesn’t give a
shit about but now he says he really does care and wants to make them less
miserables. But to counter this, the
non-miserables who have tons of money want to elect Romney so they can continue
to be non-miserable with even more money and screw the miserables. I feel kind of lost because I am not
miserable and I don’t have tons of money so nobody cares about me. I used to think I was middle class, but I
can’t be. The politicians keep telling
us the middle class is miserable, but since I’m not miserable, I can’t be
middle class. I wonder just how many forgotten people like me there are out
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Good news and bad
news. My PET/CT scan and yesterday’s
endoscopic ultrasound confirmed the cancer is gone. Obviously, that makes me very happy. But the bad news is, now that I will be
around hopefully for several more years I will contribute to the increase in
health care costs, worsen the deficit and become a burden on society. I now have to live with the Republican guilt
trip they have laid on us seniors for years and have really ratcheted it up
during this election cycle. You know the
pitch, we seniors suck up too much government money with our expectations that
we collect the Social Security we paid for, we like Medicare but we cost the government
too much and we are screwing up our grandchildren’s future. Since I have been personally and totally
immersed in the health care system for most of this year I think I can speak
with some authority. First, Medicare is
good and it works. I know the
Republicans will go ballistic on this point, but we would be far better off
with a single-payer government-run health insurance system. Before the right wing dings start screaming,
universal health care does not equate to socialism. Every democracy but ours has it. Second, there are drastic flaws in Medicare
which I have seen firsthand but they can all be fixed without turning it over
the insurance industry. I have lived in
countries that have universal health care and the insurance companies still
make tons of money. The Republicans say the richest country in the world can’t
afford to provide health care for its citizens.
The truth is they don’t want to provide health care for all Americans
(Mitt can tell you how many freeloaders we have). I suppose it would make Paul Ryan happy if
people like me just died and stopped wasting taxpayers’
Sunday, October 07, 2012
There is a scene in the 2006 Broadway play "The
Lieutenant of Inishmore" where two characters are hacking up corpses to
render them unrecognizable. The stage is
strewn with dismembered body parts and totally spattered with blood. One of the characters screams in desperation
and despair, "Will this never end!?" This strikes me as an
appropriate metaphor for our current presidential election campaign. Not only does it seem like it will never end,
we have also hacked decency, honesty and civility in political discourse beyond
recognition. Outright lying has become the norm for both parties with
Romney-Ryan holding a significant edge in that department (see last week’s Time
cover story). We all know that
candidates’ promises are basically meaningless since they serve only to get
elected not as a basis for actual policy making. This is where I have my biggest problem with
Romney. He keeps saying “I know how
to…” He makes all these assertions that
he can fix everything then offers the same “solutions” Republicans have been
spouting for years: lower taxes, less regulation, cut spending, all of which
will suddenly create jobs and lower the deficit. They haven’t and they won’t. Regarding
Obama, the Republicans will never admit that they have been a big part of the
problem for the last four years. Yes,
Bush and company actually did create the mess, but they won’t admit it. The day
Obama took office they swore they would not cooperate with his Administration
which has been the major reason our government doesn’t get anything done. These are facts. But Republicans have a way of dealing with real
facts. Take a drop in unemployment, they just pull a Jack Welch and say Obama’s
government falsified them. Even some
prominent Republicans balked at that, so maybe there is hope. But I doubt it.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
This election does present a really difficult choice. If you are a radical religious rightist you
have to decide between a candidate who is pro-choice on abortion and believes
women should have the right to control their own health decisions and one who
was pro-choice but has decided he is now pro-life and if women become pregnant
through rape or incest, well, that’s really no different than any other
insemination so it’s just too bad. Let’s not even get
into gay marriage. Then
if you also happen to be a bigot, you are faced with the additional dilemma of
choosing between a Mormon and a black man. Which do you hate the most? Politics really does get difficult doesn’t it?
What if you are an independent who is totally fed up with the crap being flung
around by both parties? Do you trust
Romney who keeps saying “I know how to… (fill in the blank)” He’s claiming that
he knows how to do just about anything to correct everything but since he has
not done anything on the national or international scene (Massachusetts is not
the United States--it does not have a foreign policy) how can you believe that
he can do all he says, especially when his position changes according to what
day it is and his audience. Obama claims
that his policies are working and will bring us salvation given enough time and
that our wealthy elite exists solely for the purpose of shitting all over the
middle class while being coddled by the Republicans with huge tax cuts. You will notice I have spared you more
commentary on last night’s debate. Romney
came across as more energetic, articulate and well prepared. Obama looked like he would have rather been
any place but where he was. Both of them
said nothing we have not heard before. As
one commentator said today, last night’s debate probably ensured that there
will be fewer viewers for the next one.
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Some of you may remember I am also running for
president. I was unanimously nominated
by all six delegates to my convention at the Palace Saloon. We have all heard
Romney declare that he knows how to create jobs, get Republicans and Democrats
to work together (fat chance), and do anything to get us on the right track. And Obama claims he will be the hero of the
middle class and just needs more time to fix the economy and keep the
Republicans from cancelling grandma’s Social Security and Medicare. Now here’s my platform. It is guaranteed to fix our country no matter
what your party affiliation. First, I
will establish term limits for all congressmen so they will not spend their
entire lives pandering to private interests for money so they can keep getting
reelected. Second, I will get rid of the
Electoral College so everybody’s votes will really count not just those in the “battleground
states” (those with a lot of electoral votes).
Third, I will require all states to establish an independent commission
to draw honest congressional district lines so state legislatures cannot blatantly
stack the deck in their party’s favor. Fourth,
all Congressmen will participate in Social Security and Medicare just like
every other American. While in office,
their Social Security and Medicare deductions will count toward their eligibility
for benefits at age 67 which makes sense because after their term limit they will
have to go get another job. While in
office they will participate in a 401k which they can also take with them to
their next job. This platform will,
undoubtedly, fix many of the flaws in our system and hopefully get our
politicians to think more about what’s right for our country rather than how
they can keep themselves and their party in power and line their own pockets. The Republicans and Democrats will never adopt
this platform of course because it’s not in their own selfish interests. You notice I was not invited to participate
in the debates.
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