
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Raser's Edge: Say hello to the Evangelicans

As everyone knows by now, the magazine Christianity Today said Trump should be thrown out of office since he does not exactly fit the description of a person of high moral, ethical and religious standards. It has also become apparent that a large number of evangelicals have joined the president in slamming Christianity Today and have pledged their loyalty to their new "chosen one," (you know, the one prominent evangelicals and politicians have declared "ordained by God") and adoration of Trump has taken precedence over what used to be considered Christian doctrine and beliefs. I am therefore suggesting a new label for the phony Christians devoted to Trump: Evangelicans. This more accurately denotes them as devoted to political ideologies than religious ones. I understand that the Evangelicans have already begun wishing each other "Merry Trumpmas."

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Raser's Edge: I usually never use internet letter slang but... I am LOL

IL Trumpo has made the American Presidency the laughing stock of Europe. He spent his NATO reality show performance essentially saying if the allies did not do want he wanted in their NATO spending and commitments, he would punish them with trade sanctions. And then when it became clear they were laughing at him behind his flabby back, he got into a hissy fit snit and ran home where he is facing impeachment for being a lying, conniving, incompetent president. What is really cute is that he is being impeached for inviting a foreign power to meddle in our elections when he meddles in the policies of foreign allies' governments (oh, not only allies but China) by telling them what they must do or he--you know, the "chosen one"--will punish them. LOL! Really, really LOL!