
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Raser’s Edge:  Trumpadoodle Dandies!

A couple years ago, during the Trump presidential campaign, I coined the term “Trumpadoodle” to define Trump supporters who believed, without question, anything and everything he said.  I was specifically referring to those grinning, Midwestern white people at his rallies who would scream “lock her up” and “build that wall” on cue. You know, the “base” that foisted upon us a totally unqualified and inept President. But then I extended it to all Trump supporters when I realized people I had previously considered reasonable and intelligent had suddenly been transformed into blithering Trump sycophants.

As a reaction, one of my right wing Facebook friends went absolutely ballistic over the term, ranting how dare I call Trump supporters such a thing?  So, being a nice guy, I stopped using it.  Since then, he and his right winger-dinger pals have consistently referred to me as a “libtard,” “libturd,” “Demorat,” “D-rat,” and other less than complimentary epithets like “such an ass”.  So I am reviving my term “Trumpadoodle.” Actually, compared to the sometimes vulgar terms he and his right winger pals have dumped on me, I consider “Trumpadoodles” a rather cute, funny and benign way of referring to Trump’s not very intellectual supporters.

You might think there is some connection with Yankee Doodle, a song which most Americans think is patriotic.  For those of you with an intellectual bent (not Trumpadoodles, of course) you might be interested in something about that song.  Google it and you will find this fact.  The word “doodle” may be derived from the Low German “dodel” which meant “fool” or “simpleton.”  So, it may have an appropriate application when applied to Trump supporters.

I predict my Trumpadoodle friends will react by saying I am spreading “hatred.”  Their definition of hatred is when it is directed at Trump.  Mia colpa.  I do express hatred towards Trump whom I consider a despicable human being and an incompetent president.  However, I do not “hate” anybody, much less my fellow Americans.  I would just like to point out, that these Trumpadoodle friends crank out dozens of hate memes each week vilifying Muslims, immigrants, Mexicans, welfare recipients and Democrats.  

Full disclosure and honesty:  Last minute!  Just before posting this I thought I would do a google check.  And much to my chagrin, I learned I was not alone in coining this phrase.  I found this in an online dictionary: Trumpadoodle  Someone whom blindly follows Donald Trump, often with inappropriate enthusiasm.  Oh well, I still think it is a nice, fuzzy way to refer to Trump sycophants.