
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

A Plot to Promote Pence

This is the second conservative NY Times columnist to state The Trump is not capable nor qualified to be president. (I shared David Brooks's column a few days ago.) One can imagine this proposal by Douthat could be a calculated move, not so much to get Trump out, but to get Pence in. Douthat is a devout Catholic social conservative. Pence is also a religious social conservative zealot. Since Pence is a professional politician and not a dumbbell like Trump he would methodically pursue advancing all the regressive Republican policies on religion, women's health, education, health care and taxes that are dear to Ryan and McConnell. So when the Republican inner circle of Congress finally gets fed up with Trump, under the 25th they could oust him for incompetence and conceivably put Pence in. The choice is a dilemma. Trump is both dangerous and crazy for the country, Pence is just dangerous.


Removal, not impeachment, for a president unfit for office.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Republicans are Unquestionably Guilty of Collusion with the Russians

Why don’t we just stop arguing over the question of whether or not the Republican presidential campaign colluded with the Russians to help get Trump elected?  Everybody knows the Republicans are guilty as hell.

Many people have told me Republican campaign operatives had close contacts with the Russian hackers during the campaign.  Some people have said Manifort, Flynn and a lot of other high ranking officials close to Trump had extensive dealings with the Russians including deals where they made a lot of money.  You know that.  I know that.  Everybody knows that.

Now regarding Trump’s tax returns, I have a friend who prepares taxes for very wealthy people and he told me it is absolutely certain Trump will not release his tax returns because they contain damaging proof about his business dealings with China and Russia and how cleverly he avoided taxes.

So perhaps we should get over this and let the Republicans get on with more important things on their agenda like taking health insurance from the poor and giving huge tax breaks to the rich.

Monday, May 08, 2017

The Observation Deck: The U.S. Presidency for Fun and Profit
Now if anyone wants to continue the pretense that the Trump and Kushner families are not profiting from the Donald's presidency I have a nice bridge in New York City that I will sell you. Nicole Meyer, Jared Kushner's sister, made the marketing power of the presidency rather obvious when she said the development of the Jersey City project "means a lot to me and my entire family." (Wink, wink, which includes the president.) So come on you Chinese millionaires fork over a half-million bucks for the Kushner (Trump) project and we'll throw in a great visa allowing you to live in the United States.
Oh, and for the fun part. While Jared's sister was in China hawking the family business,The Trump was playing golf in his Jersey resort. The Trump claimed he was at the resort for "meetings" but a photo of him playing golf popped up on Instagram. Remember, howThe Trump highly criticized Obama for playing golf. The Trump qualifies as the most hypocritical president in the history of the United States.
Representatives from the Kushner family business urged Chinese citizens to consider investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a New Jersey real estate…

Friday, May 05, 2017

The Observation Deck:  Comey baloney

James “Mildly Nauseous”  Comey’s  CYA testimony made a lot of people, including myself, vomit.  Let’s just put aside for a moment the different treatment the FBI is giving Trump’s campaign dealings with the Russians because “it’s under investigation.” Comey was well aware his reopening the Clinton email case would, indeed, influence the election.  Whatever his intentions, which are now a moot point, there is no question his revelation did influence the election’s outcome.  And, of course, it is now irreversible.  It’s like someone points a gun at you, pulls the trigger and kills you then declares, “Oh, I didn’t really mean to kill you, I just wanted to see if the gun was loaded.”