The cancer came back and Obama did nothing to stop it!
Well it happened again.
My cancer came back and President Obama did absolutely nothing to
prevent it! After all, isn’t the
President of the United States supposed to keep Americans safe from
everything? The Obama Administration has
known about cancer for a long time and only now, in the waning days of his
administration, does Obama declare a “moon shot” to cure cancer. Well, Barack,
it’s too little, too late for me.
OK, I admit, for a moment I succumbed to being
“Republicanized.” “Republicanization” is
the political doctrine that requires you to abandon all rational, logical and
realistic thought and blame everything you don’t like on Obama specifically and
government in general. Essentially it
means you don’t have to think, just believe everything Donald Trump and Ted
Cruz tell you and you’ll be fine.
Since I have just returned from an another all-expense paid
stay at a hospital where they cut out another chunk of my lung, postponed my
entry to eternity one more time and returned me to the world of political
absurdity, I thought it appropriate to discuss just one of the current Presidential
campaign political issues: Universal
Health Care.
First a total disclaimer:
I am completely in favor of Universal Health Care for all Americans
administered by the Federal Government.
(As Bernie Sanders has told you repeatedly we are the only advanced
country in the world that doesn’t do this.)
Second, the Affordable Care Act (ACA, a.k.a. Obamacare) while
it may not be great, it is not all that bad.
It has helped millions of people get health insurance, and the best the
Republicans can do is scream and holler about “train wrecks” and “the worst
thing since slavery” without offering any new or better ideas. (Of course, the Republicans have not had any
new idea for nearly four decades.)
Admittedly, I look at this from a different
perspective. It is dear to my heart, or
perhaps I should say dear to my lungs. I
have Medicare, the equivalent of Universal Health Care for old people. If Obama and his administration had had the
guts, they would have stood up to the Republicans and established Medicare for
all (the public option the Democrats capitulated on). I can state unequivocally that I have seen
Universal Health Care, and it is good.
Without Medicare I would be bankrupt, dead or both.
Now before my Republican readers go berserk, I have gone to
the Trump and Cruz official websites to get first hand their policies on health
care. Cruz does not even have it under
the “Issues” tab so I had to research it further. Essentially, both Trump and Cruz state they
will repeal Obamacare, and turn health care over to private industry and “the
market economy.” That is based on the
totally absurd principle that encouraging competition between private health
insurance companies and establishing “health savings accounts” will give
everybody “affordable” health care. It
won’t as many studies have shown. That’s
the way it was before Obamacare and millions were without health insurance because
they could not afford it or because the insurance companies simply turned them
down since they were too ill to be profitable.
As one who has had a rather intimate relationship with
health care for the last five years I have concluded letting private industry take
over health care is a really bad idea. In
simple terms and to put ii very bluntly, the health care industry does not give
a rat shit about you no matter how many schmaltzy, soppy advertisements they
put on television. All the health care
industry—insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, clinics, pharmaceutical
companies, physical therapy et. al.—cares about is making money. Period.
You have seen the studies about how health care costs vary
wildly throughout the country for the same things. Your colonoscopy could cost twice as much
depending on where you live. It’s
artificial pricing which attempts to extract the maximum amount of money from
Americans who get sick and has nothing to do with “compassion” or “care.”
Now here’s a bit of my own research illustrating how drug
companies—in collusion with medical providers—make a fortune on artificially inflated
prices. When I was discharged I was
given a prescription for Lidoderm patches.
As a result of my lung surgeries, I have residual nerve damage pain that
actually never goes away. The brand
name, prescription patches (Lidoderm) come in packs of 30 and have five per
cent lidocaine which is the active ingredient.
If you go to, you will find that those 30 patches
will cost you $376.05 at Wal-Mart, $375.41 at Walgreens and $390.23 at Publix. If you request the generic version, the
prices drop to $88.43, $112.39 and 237.45, respectively. But, if you just buy a 2.7 ounce bottle of
Aspercreme, an over the counter topical analgesic, it will cost you $7.49. Aspercreme contains four percent of the
active ingredient lidocaine. So adding
just one percent of lidocaine makes it a prescription that sells for hundreds of
In closing I will attempt to explain to the “republicanized”
that Universal Health Care is NOT socialized medicine as Trump, Cruz and
company would have you believe. Under
Universal Health Care the government if just one great big insurance
company. It collect premiums from the
insured and pays the providers for services and supplies rendered. It is open to everyone. When the insurance company is a private
enterprise it has no interest in the quality of the actual care you receive, it
simply wants to turn a profit.
If we had a Universal Health Care system, everybody would
pay into the system and everybody would benefit from it because the government has
no requirement to make money on your sickness or disease. Also you would not be paying several hundred dollars
for a one per cent increase in an inexpensive active ingredient.