
Thursday, January 05, 2023

Monday, October 11, 2021


Raser’s Edge:  The Republicans’ Nazi Agenda

Do any of you remember that during World War 2 in Germany when the Nazis were in power they encouraged citizens to report their neighbors to the Gestapo for harboring or helping Jews?  Of course, many Germans did that because of their hatred of Jews, or they could profit from taking over a rival Jew’s business.  Now Texas has a law prohibiting abortion after six weeks and has asked any Texan citizen to report not only a woman seeking abortion but anyone, including an Uber driver taking a woman to the clinic to have one.  And if you report the person involved you can get $10,000 in a law suit.  Do you see the similarity?  Now try this.  In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared that any school board that does not comply with his decree that they cannot declare mask mandates in schools will lose funding and the school superintendents will lose their salaries.  Now, fortunately, unlike Nazi Germany, the DeSantis government cannot put you in front of a firing squad for disobeying the government’s (DeSantis’s) edict, BUT, his government can take your money away to punish you which is serious punishment in today’s society.  Think about it.

Monday, September 20, 2021

 This is a test to see if this blog still works.  If it does… I’ll be back!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Raser's Edge: Say hello to the Evangelicans

As everyone knows by now, the magazine Christianity Today said Trump should be thrown out of office since he does not exactly fit the description of a person of high moral, ethical and religious standards. It has also become apparent that a large number of evangelicals have joined the president in slamming Christianity Today and have pledged their loyalty to their new "chosen one," (you know, the one prominent evangelicals and politicians have declared "ordained by God") and adoration of Trump has taken precedence over what used to be considered Christian doctrine and beliefs. I am therefore suggesting a new label for the phony Christians devoted to Trump: Evangelicans. This more accurately denotes them as devoted to political ideologies than religious ones. I understand that the Evangelicans have already begun wishing each other "Merry Trumpmas."

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Raser's Edge: I usually never use internet letter slang but... I am LOL

IL Trumpo has made the American Presidency the laughing stock of Europe. He spent his NATO reality show performance essentially saying if the allies did not do want he wanted in their NATO spending and commitments, he would punish them with trade sanctions. And then when it became clear they were laughing at him behind his flabby back, he got into a hissy fit snit and ran home where he is facing impeachment for being a lying, conniving, incompetent president. What is really cute is that he is being impeached for inviting a foreign power to meddle in our elections when he meddles in the policies of foreign allies' governments (oh, not only allies but China) by telling them what they must do or he--you know, the "chosen one"--will punish them. LOL! Really, really LOL!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Trump says the dumbest things: Cutting through the wall
When it was reported that smugglers were cutting through his wall with a battery powered saw available in hardware stores he said:  “We have a very powerful wall…but no matter how powerful you can cut through anything.  In all fairness, you know cutting is one thing, but it is easily fixed.  One of the reasons we did it the way we did it…it’s very easily fixed…we put the chunk back in.  But we have a very powerful wall.  But you can cut through any wall.”

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Raser’s Edge:  The hating game

Donald Trump tweeted: “Many of the people in DACA, no longer very young, are far from “angels.” Some are very tough, hardened criminals.”

The Supreme Court is now considering whether Donald Trump can rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, an immigration policy allowing children of illegal immigrants who were brought here when very young to remain.  Aside from the inherent cruelty of Trump’s move, it is entirely in keeping in his methods for manipulating and deluding his base supporters.

What the American people should realize is that Trump is using the same technique Hitler and Mussolini used to rise to and maintain power in the 1920s—the vilification of specific groups of people.  The principle is easily understood.  You brand a group or groups of people as undesirable, repulsive and, above all, as a threat to you and your way of life.  You stir up hatred and fear, and your masses blindly cheer you on.

Trump has used it since the day he announced his presidential run.  Remember, Mexicans are sending “rapists,” “gang members,” “murderers” and “very tough, hardened criminals.”  Muslims want to kill you.  Immigrants and people on welfare are taking all your hard-earned money.  Be scared all you good, loyal, upstanding, patriotic Americans.

Of the 700,000 or so DACA recipients no doubt some of them might be a bit undesirable but that would also apply to some people attending Trump rallies.  The vast majority of DACA recipients have been vetted, work, go to college, pay taxes and behave just like average Americans.

But they have now been targeted in Trump’s Nazi/Fascist style use of hatred and denigration of a group of people to manipulate and control his enabling, gullible, emotional base.  It is exactly the same thing Hitler and Mussolini did to obtain power a century ago.  The Trumpists cry the Democrats want to establish socialism in America.  That will never happen. The real threat is the new Trumpist Republican party’s slide into Fascism.